I started mucking around with blogging about the transit situation here in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. This blog averages a couple of hits a day. The new blog got 70 hits. Yeah, 20 are from me, reviewing what I wrote. But man, the traffic is high.
Phoo! with the headline in the email alert, I thought I was going to read about a great music retrospective from th early years of my marrige. But yes, 70 browser hits is impressive.
At IEEE they’ve learned to sort out all hits from our own servers, from staff just so they’d really know who we were serving. It turns out that my Society’s biggest page, our conference calendar, gets most of its hits from staff. Go figure.
I confess that my 3 minute review of your site left me feeling very positive. It was frank and conversational, well researched and sometimes blessed with that sense of discovery that columns composed by professionals, refuse to allow themselves. After all a professional expert can never claim to be disarmed by something new because that would reflect a gap in their expertice. A smart citizen is the core of great democracy. And a shared sense of discovery by the reader is a warm human feeling. Your site deserves attention.
So now will you link ‘Carless in Seattle’ under your categories?