The road to Monteverde

The rain this afternoon was incredible. I imagine this was similar to El Nino in 96-97 before I moved to SF. It must have been an inch an hour, I don’t know exactly. It was torrential.

I was trying to send an email to Azeema when I panicked about the rain and the light. The roads are fantastically abysmal. Not quite as bad as King’s Range back in 2000, I think it was. But the rocks in the road are unbelievable here.

John, the proprietor of La Colina Lodge told me they had just graded the road to Monteverde a few weeks ago. It was quite good, those stretches. But it was all compacted dirt, I can only imagine how one or two seasons of rain, it will have the same two foot deep rain gullies as that road in the King’s Range.

So in short, the dirve up wasn’t too bad. The first half was rough and rocky, and the further I went it got even worse. Until the grading.

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