Good hunting in Manuel Antonio today. Right off the bat I encountered squirrel monkeys. Had some trouble with my Better Beamer and flash. I thought the flash only worked on "A," but today it needed to be on TTL. So much for practicing in my apartment. The Better Beamer kept falling off, and I had stick coins in between the flash and the beamer to keep the lens from bending.
I took shots with a variety of options: flash, flash w/ Beamer, no flash, and camera flash. God knows what’ll work, but I needed to shoot at 1600, and even then, the shutter speed on TTL felt slow, so I was really worried about camera shake.
But back to the hunting: I saw
- Central American Squirrel Monkeys
- White-faced Capuchin Monkeys
- White-nosed Coati
I may also have seen:
- Green iguana, green basilisk lizard or ctenosaur
- Roseate spoonbill or white ibis
- Paca or agouti.