Out of my gourd

Background check. It takes forever. I barely have enough work to do, and what I have I’m not really energized to do. So instead, I spend at least two hours a day surfing profiles of women in Seattle, and I can’t contact any of them, because I’m not there. I…

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The Gremlins give up the ghost

All the emails Aimee tried to send earlier this week finally arrived at 10:59 am this morning. I’m working from home, so I didn’t even bother trying to be stealthy. I logged onto the Microsoft Recruiting system to accept the offer from my work computer while connected to Oracle’s network…

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Gremlins in the Microsoft machine

Four email addresses, and still no offer. Not sure what’s up with Microsoft’s system, but Aimee simply can’t seem to get the HR system to send me the offer letter. Oh, I know the particulars, but actually seeing the letter is so key. Not like I expect anything in the…

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A verbal offer

Aimee called me this afternoon and told me the Visual Studio group wanted to hire me. My blood pressure skyrocketed, my heart started racing, and I couldn’t breath. Thankfully, Aimee just wanted to schedule time to talk about offer details. I would’ve been useless to actually discuss what I wanted.…

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My old friend, Erica, just came back from the Peace Corp. I haven’t seen her for a year… exactly. The last time she was here, it was for Carnaval: she had taken free drum lessons in years past, and had timed her trip home so she could perform with her…

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To publish, or not to publish?

That is the questionWhether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of publishers and editors,Or to hold my words to friends and family, and by doing so, conceal them. A bit pretentious, yes. But I like playing with words. I was stuck next to a frat…

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Re-org, part 2

I will shortly have a new boss–someone I’ve talked to maybe six or seven times, and who works remotely. Still don’t entirely know what my job is. I also lost 85% of my budget.

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10,000 Baseball Cards Lighter

With my mom cleaning out thirty years of collected junk in her P*******n home in preparation to moving to a much smaller, 2BR condo in Portland, and the recent sale of my father’s stamp collection, I’ve been thinking about going through my baseball card collection one more time. I probably…

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Thoughts on friendship

I lost my best friend this afternoon. I don’t think I’ve ever tried as hard to hold onto a friendship as I did with this one. I knew I couldn’t hold onto it forever–the end was inevitable, and I’ve known that for months. But when it would end wasn’t clear,…

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